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Since 1970 we develop and produce sensors and measuring instruments for the measurement and control system in Offenbach (Germany).
All developments result from the permanent contact with our customers. The basis of our success is the requirements of our customers in our products. In close collaboration with the user we produce measurement equipment/instruments, which meet the requirements – that means we produce measurement equipment, which is easy to use/handle. Our devices and systems are used in industry, institutes and universities.
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The calibration is performed according to comparison measurements with factory standards are (as far as possible) DKD or PTB calibrated measuring instruments, sensor or measuring systems. the customer receives a ISO – factory certification certificate specifying the measured values, the corresponding measuring incertainty, the designation of the calibration method, the environmental conditions and, as required, information on special measurement conditions. The calibrated object will be identified by a label.
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The calibration must only be performed within the range of those measurable, measuring ranges an measuring incertainties, which are specified in the PTB accreditation document. The costumer receives a DKD calibration certificate specifying the measured values, the corresponding measuring incertainty, the designation of the calibration method, the environmental conditions and, as required information on special measurement conditions. The calibrated object will be identified by a label The following Calibration-Labors are available in the RCI calibrating centre:
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For further info send us an email or give us a call!
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Heinrich-Krumm-Strasse 8, 63073 Offenbach
+49 (0) 69 89 50 55
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